Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Teething Bean Bag

So for Christmas I made my entire family, both sides, hand warmers and body warmers! Thanks so much for the wonderful idea http://beeinmybonnetco.blogspot.com/2012/01/hotcold-bags-tutorial.html

I wondered...I have a year and a half old and a 4 and a half month old...one teething and the other either starting too or soon to be as well! And from prior experience with my 9 and a half year old when he was a baby the cold rags and teething rings just never worked well, but my son really liked the cool feeling!

So my friends who are having babies you are ALL getting them hahahah! But for starters the closest due date gets to have them first! 
It works wonders! And I even use it for fever relief, swelling relief, and of course teething!

I had a little bit of the Terry Cloth left over and I wanted to do something other than the burp rags and wash cloths and stuff. So I made the Cooling Bean Bag. This is NOT meant to be put into the microwave at all. This is specifically meant for the freezer! I used dry beans as my filler and a nice soft flannel on the other side!

Ok lets get started!

Here are the items you are going to need...

Sewing Machine
Terry Cloth Material
A Flannel or Thicker than Cotton Material 
Dry Beans in a Bag

Step One:
Cut out Terry Cloth and other Material at desired size. I cut mine about 4"x6-7". 

Once you have both materials cut out, lay them together. If you have a printed material make sure you lay that side face down! Secure the bag with pins while you prepare to sew it together.

Step Two:

Depending on how narrow or wide you want the bag depends on where you drop your foot and start sewing. Make sure you are satisfied before you complete sewing one side. I find it easier to start on the Right side of the bag so that I end on the Left side leaving the Top part of the bag open to fill. 

If you want and are comfortable with starting less than half way and then ending less than half way on the Top than that is ok too. As long as you leave enough room to fill the bag. 

Step Three:
Now remove all your pins. If you have any large amount of material that can be removed without harming the stitch than my advice is remove it. It will make sewing a boarder if you want a little bit easier. Now turn your bag right side out. Make sure to work your corners out at the bottom. 

Step Four:
Now that you are finished sewing the three sides it is time to pinch the top edges down and then sew your boarder. 

OR you can fill the bag with beans and then just boarder off the top. 

Fill it enough so that you are leaving enough room for movement and for a good freeze to move through it too. But don't under fill it either so just over half way at my size was perfect!

You are now finished!

Your Teething Bean Bag should look something like this! Mine does not have the boarder outlining it at this point, but my next one will!

Hope you had fun and hope your baby or the baby you are making this for really enjoys this too!

Have a great day and keep crafting!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Wash Cloths

These steps are similar to the steps given in my Burp Rag tutorial. 

These are great! They are personal, and you can make them any size you want to! Any shape and out of most materials. 

With these wash clothes I used a Felt Monster patterned material and a nice bright green Terry Cloth material for the actual 'washing' side. 

Monster Themed Wash Cloths 

Materials Needed
Sewing Machine
Printed patterned Material
Terry Cloth Material
Thread of any color
Stitch Ripper

Step One:

Cut material to desired size. I made two different sizes one 8"x9" and the other 3"x6". Again it does not matter what shape and or size you cut!

Step Two:

Turn your Printed Material so that its upside down and lay that on top of the Terry Cloth. Pin around the cloth so that the Terry Cloth does not slip to much. 

Once you have the materials pinned, move the cloth to the sewing machine. Line up the edge of the material on the sewing guider lines at your desired width. Sew three edges only and then Stop!

Step Three:

Remove all pins and trim all extra thread. At this point you can either cut ever so slightly the bottom two corners for a more rounded look or leave them square. If you cut the bottom corners, make sure you do not cut into your stitch! 

Step Four:

Turn the wash cloth right side out now! Really make sure to get those corners tucked out and or rounded out! Now you are going to bend in the top corners of the wash cloth where you have not sewn yet and when doing this make sure your sides are EVEN!! Once you have gotten the material folded inward, place a few pins and throw it back up on the sewing machine! 

Step Five:

Now you are ready to sew the final seam and start your boarder (if desired) at this time. It should look something like this... Trim all your extra threads and you are Finished!!

See, wasn't that just fun and totally easy!!!

When you are all said and done you will have a wash cloth that looks like the first picture on the post!!

Congrats on your success and hope you had a blast!

Again Christi Silbaugh Thank you so much for encouraging me to start posting my exciting crafts!! 
Everyone should check out her page whatsfordinner-momwhatsfordinner.blogspot.com/ She has some awesome recipes on there for everyone! 

Burp Rags

As most of us women know baby products are expensive. Lets face it, the prices of baby products is just ridiculous especially with the amount of time those products are really used for.
So why not make what you can? Or better yet purchase a Handcrafted and specialized item from me!
I have now three children of my own. My oldest is almost 10 years old. My middle child is a 1 1/2. My youngest is now 4 1/2 months. There is so many new products, ideas and uses for assisting in parenting. So many more today then there was almost 10 years ago...(I can only imagine what it was like more than 10 years ago...?). Today we take full advantage of all the helpful and pretty products are out there, but when faced with financial issues, some families do not get to indulge in those exciting purchases.
So there are many other ways to have those same trendy, fun and helpful items with a low cost and a much more satisfying feeling. First way purchase from a home crafter, and second way is make them yourself!
 And for those of you who are not sure what to do just follow my simple steps!

There is something beyond gratifying when using a homemade item. And it's even more special when someone has taken the time to give it to you! Some of the gifts might come from established crafters, while other items might come from a 'newbie', they are all from the heart and one of a kind. Whether its for cleaning or wearing or simply eating. Homemade items all come from the heart.

Monster Themed Burp Rags~

I am actually making these for some good friends who are expecting their first child in March!! We are all so excited!

I ended up making two different sizes in length and width along with patterned material. There are so many things that can be done the ideas are truly endless!

So lets get to it!

First off the Materials you are going to need:

  • Sewing Machine
  • Fabric for side A
  • Terry Cloth for side B
  • Scissors 
  • Pins
  • Thread of any color choice! 

Step One:
Cut fabric and Terry Cloth into the desired size of burp rag. I cut mine into these sizes 8"x20" and 10"x17".
Personally I would cut just a bit more in the Terry cloth it stretches and moves on you so it can at time be difficult! Or just cut a bit more in the printed fabric for the extra room if needed.

Step Two:

Now you are going to pin your two fabrics together. Make sure you pin down the right colored sided to the Terry cloth. 

Step Three:

Once you have got your machine set up with your thread color of choice, you are ready to begin sewing.
Depending on how think you want  your edges depends on where you drop your needle. I tried to make fairly think edges, but thick ones are just as great too!

Start by sewing down the right side first! Don't forget to Back-stitch!!! And make sure you do it close enough to the edge of the materials without bunching up the corner and getting a thread wad! 


(These shots are actually of another item I have made but to get the foot/needle idea!)
Once you have sewn the three edges,

Remove all pins first, then turn the burp rag right side out. Make sure to really get those corners poked out. 
            (*You can either cut the corner of the rags so that the corners will end up round or leave them square. If you cut the corners be careful not to cut into your stitch!*)

Step Four: 

Now you are ready to fold down the top to make your seam and boarder. 
Grab the sides of the rag and fold down into the rag. Make sure your material is even!

You can from this point stick in a few pins to hold down your soon to be seam or you can just hold onto it tightly while you sew the top seam of the boarder. Back-stitch the first part of this seem to secure this boarder as well as the top of the rag!

Once you have finished the boarder (if you want a boarder you don't have to have one!!) the items below is what they/it should somewhat resemble! 

Boarded Rags and Cloths

This is only sewing the top of the burp rag on one! Still looks nice without a boarder!

Remember, if this is your first time sewing just take your time and make sure to take plenty of breaks if you get frustrated with the machine! Once and the machine finally come to terms with each other, things might be a bit rocky to start!
But no matter the skill level, this should have been nothing but pure fun. Be proud of what you just accomplished! 

Just a quick thank you to Christi, who happens to be an exquisite cook, so check out her recipies at whatsfordinner-momwhatsfordinner.blogspot.com/ , for telling me about blogger.com and encouraging me to start one for myself!!